kdb City Stickers... a fun series of Maine Bumpah Sticahs, for your cah, or???
Commissions available. City, venue or business.

When finished this series will be complete with one dozen, Eye Spy with my little eye illustrations.
Each will feature a system of nature, the plants, flowers, trees and all the little creatures who inhabit these magical spots in nature. It also features tips on how to live in harmony and share our planet with all living things.
.The Meadows/fields
.The River/tributaries
.Salt and fresh water marshes
.Maritime Forest /floor/canopy
.Inter-tidal zone/wrackline and tidepools
This track of work is inspired by my four year visual narrative of the Kennebec River Watershed.
Maine Encaustic Artist kdb and Encaustic Art.
Maine Encaustic Artist kdb Dominguez
kdb Intown Studio
Bath, Maine
Encaustic Art by a Maine Artist.
kdb is passionate about nature and uses many mediums and techniques
to tell the story of the natural world. She believes there is a a greater
force than us, a Spirit of Love and Acceptance that dwells in the great outdoors.
Heaven is nature, day by day and season by season.
God is in all of the systems of nature. All living things deserve our respect,
kindness and reverence every moment of everyday.
Respecting nature and each other will lead to understanding and harmony and a life worth living.
"My love affair with Art and Nature is a colorful collision mixed with graphic elements. Being in nature, walking and observing our unique and varied landscape, then working in the studio and creating art is a divine joy to me. The shapes, patterns, colors and forms of the natural world have been making their way into my artwork since I was a child. Over the years I have explored many different mediums in my artistic endeavors. My favorite mediums are Encaustic and Acrylic. In the Autumn of 2014 I began the Climate Change Project “WilderlandMaine”. I am now in year 4. This project has intensified my view of the absolute perfection of nature, every moment of everyday, week by week and season by season. I have fallen deeply in love with all that the Wilderland has to offer, this love is reflected in my Paintings and Photographs in ways I had never imagined."
kdb Artist/Photographer
Kdb ART...........................
Nature is my Muse and molten Bees Wax is one of my favorite mediums.
I became interested in Encaustic painting in 2008. I studied for several years and started Encaustic Painting in 2010. I am in love with this very warm, medium that smells like honey. It is always a joy to be in my Encaustic Studio.
Encaustic is a medium that is 4000 years old. It is true alchemy. Bees Wax mixed with Damar Resin+ Pigments, heated to 200 degrees, making it liquid. Many layers of heated encaustic medium and pigments are applied with a natural bristle brush, it is then fused with a heat gun, painting layer upon layer until the piece is finished. All of my work is done on Cradled Birch Board as Encaustic needs a firm, non-bendable substrate or the wax will crack. Some pieces are carved right into the wax creating Encaustic Etchings.
Over the years I have discovered many things about painting with hot wax. I like the mysterious look of graphite particles suspended in clear medium layered over a creamy or stark white background. I have also played and worked with the melding of two mediums, embedding photographs or doing photo transfers with my images. The effect is stunning and always a bit of a surprise, depending on the image. I have also created very large pieces, 4ftx2ft, which is 8 sq. ft. of wax.
Etching into the somewhat cooled wax is something I really love. I use a fine needle like tool to scratch onto the surface of the wax. Sometimes I then add Oil Pastel into the crevices and also onto the surface to create the tight scenes of birds, bees, trees and other inspirations from the natural world.
I have been studying, creating and showing my Encaustic Artwork for almost a decade here in Maine."
kdb - Maine Encaustic Artist.